Into the Aether is a low key video game podcast hosted by Stephen Hilger + Brendon Bigley. Produced by AJ Fillari.

Mentioned in places like Polygon and named Esquire's "Gaming Podcast of the Year" in 2021.

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usually on any% we only have ten minutes or less to answer a listener submitted prompt for our patreon audience. this is the same as that, but it's about the nintendo ...

Jak to Jak (feat. Xenoblade Chronicles X, Jak and Daxter)

This ain't your granddad's Jak. This Jak squiggles.Discussed: The two types of podcasts, Assassin's Creed: Shadows, Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition, how to ...

Sequels All the Way Down (feat. Atelier Yumia, Ender Magnolia, Romancing SaGa 2)

They really nerfed Sephiroth in Minecraft 2: Spelunking to the Zenith of Hope: RiZing - Obsidian Edition. He's basically unplayable now.Discussed: A big announcement (...

I Norted Myself (feat. Kingdom Hearts 3, Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory, Theatrhythm Final Bar Line)

So there I was, minding my own business, when all of a sudden I realize I Norted myself... again!Discussed: Ys: The Oath in Felghana, Kingdom Hearts 3 Re Mind lmao, Ki...

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep | Bonus

You have to listen to this 3 times to get Brendon, Stephen, and AJ's unique POVs on the episode.Discussed: Histories with the series, AnyAustin on YouTube, Video Game ...

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